You Pick Roses Info and Details

Here at Birdsong Orchards, we are growing over 500 roses, deeply fragrant, lush and in every color, and we want to share them with you! Get out of the house and enjoy cutting a bucket of roses for your own pleasure or to share with family and friends.
Hybrid tea roses, floribundas, grandifloras, David Austin, Meilland, Kordes roses - we have them all, in every shade of the rose rainbow, with new varieties added every year. Unlike every other rose garden you have ever visited, here you can smell the roses, and then cut and fill your bucket with amazing blooms to take home. We will provide a two gallon bucket with water you can take home and clippers for you to use. Your reservation is for one hour for one to two adults. Reservations are currently available on Saturdays and Sundays.
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Overview, Details & Guidelines
The Birdsong Orchards You-Pick Rose Field is the only place in California offering you pick roses, and we strive to ensure you have a special and joyful time on our farm.
Upon purchase of a You Pick Roses reservation, you will be prompted to select a date and time for your visit. Our farm is in Watsonville, and you will be sent our address in your order confirmation email.

You must have reservation to visit, as we are not generally open to the public.
We are currently open for you pick flowers on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the Spring, Summer and usually into the Fall. Your reservation is for 1-2 adults. Please arrive in one car, since our parking is limited. If you would like to visit with a larger group, please purchase additional reservations. If you would like to purchase additional buckets for flowers, they will be for sale when you are here.
Roses are thorny and can be mean. Therefore we ask that you not bring children under 16 years old or dogs.
The two gallon bucket we provide is for you to take home so your roses stay in water. Please feel free to bring your own clippers and gloves if you like. We also have clippers and glovers for you to borrow, but do remember to leave any borrowed tools with us.
Other things you may like to bring:
sun hat, water bottle, sun screen, sturdy shoes, your own clippers and gloves if you have them.
Please be timely and courteous of other visitors so everyone can enjoy a relaxing time in the rose garden.
You may reschedule your appointment by contacting us at least 48 hours in advance. Missed appointments cannot be rescheduled.
If you would like to learn how to pick the very best roses during your visit, here is a guide to rose cutting tips and techniques .
Watsonville and south Santa Cruz county are full of great food, nurseries, and other hidden gems. Check out our local guide to make the most of your visit.
Beyond roses, our farm grows 200 varieties of tree fruits, with an emphasis on rare and diverse heirloom varieties. Depending on the season, we will have fruit for sale as well as roses.
Make a Rose Picking Reservation >>